Dmitry Lukyanenko, Dr. Hab. (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Deputy Head of the Department of Mathematics for Academic Affairs.
Graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2007 (major in Physics, specialization in Mathematical Physics). In 2011, he defended his Ph.D. thesis in specialty "Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Software Packages". Having remained to work at the Department of Mathematics, he is actively involved in scientific and teaching activities. In 2024, he defended his doctoral thesis in the same specialty.
Area of scientific interests:
Inverse problems, numerical methods, parallel computing.
Author of more than 120 scientific publications. The main publications relate to numerical methods for solving applied inverse problems of science and technology. The full list of publications is available on the web-page in ISTINA (MSU information system).
Teaching activity:
Since 2007, he has been teaching at the Physics Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University. He conducts seminars and lectures on both basic mathematical courses for 1st-2nd year students and special courses for senior undergraduate and graduate students ("Extremal Problems" since 2011, "Numerical Methods" since 2011, "Parallel Computing" since 2015).
Video recordings of the lecture course "Numerical Methods"
Video recordings of the lecture course "Parallel Computing"
Video recordings of the lecture course "Differential Equations"
Supervisor of more than 50 diploma theses.
Proposed topics of scientific work:
Scientific work under the supervision of D.V. Lukyanenko involves a great deal of involvement in solving real problems, joint work on which is carried out in collaboration with research groups of both other MSU departments and other institutes/universities in Russia and the world.
Head of a number of grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Russian Science Foundation. The full list is available in ISTINA.
Page in Web of Science (Publon)
"Best Young Lecturer" of the Physics Day at Moscow State University 2019.
E-mail: lukyanenko "at"
Telegram: @DmitryLukyanenko